Invitation to General Assembly 2021

we are delighted to invite all members to the General Assembly 2021 of the Association of Chemistry and the Environment (a.s.b.l.). It will be held during the 21th European Meeting of Environmental Chemistry (EMEC20) in Novi Sad, Serbia, on Friday (3rd December 2021) at 10.55 h at:

Matica Srpska
Matice Srpske br. 1
21000 Novi Sad

The day order will be:

1. Welcome/Introduction
2. Report on the work of the Board
3. Report on the finances 2021
4. Budget for 2022
5. Changes of the statutes – authorized person
6. Planned activities in 2022
7. Miscellaneous

Posted on: Nov 15, 10:17 am by: Jan Schwarzbauer.

