Pollutants in the Environment - an virtual ACE seminar
We are pleased to invite you to the 1st ACE Seminar on Chemistry and the Environment. The seminar will complement the well-established tradition of international conferences EMEC and covers a broad range of topics within the field of Pollutants in the Environment. This first seminar event will include lectures presented by young scientists from ACE board representatives centers. A preliminary program is available here
Date: 17.02. and 18.02., from 14:00 to 17:00h each day
The seminar fee is 20 €. For registration (deadline 25.01.2021) , please send an Email with your name, affiliation and email-address to: ace2021seminar@gmail.com
The number of participants is limited to 50 persons and the registration will be handled on a ‘first come- first served’ basis.
Posted on: Jan 7, 03:42 pm by: Jan Schwarzbauer.

EMEC21 postponed to Dec 2021 The 2020 IF value of ECL reached new maximum