Welcome to the ACE

The Association of Chemistry and the Environment (ACE) is a non-profit-making scientific association founded in October 2000 by a group of European scientists. We aim to promote global contact between scientists in academia and research institutes, the commercial sector and social representatives within governmental and regulatory bodies to address environmental problems and to promote education in this area.

We strongly welcome scientists from diverse fields such as atmosphere science, biology, geology, industrial chemistry, medicine, sociology, soil science, toxicology and water science to play an active role within the organisation.

Posted on: Jan 20, 11:03 pm by: Mark Fitzsimons.


ACE Newsletter 2020

The ACE newsletter 2020 has currently been published. The topics cover:

1) Stuart Gibb: Twenty years of EMEC conferences
2) Malgorzata Szynkowska: Lodz, 2019 – EMEC20 that lies behind us
3) Branimir Jovančićević: Novi Sad, 2020 – EMEC21 is in front of us
4) Albert Lebedev: To the summer school in Arkhangelsk, june 2020
6) Filipe Rocha – researcher/scholar from EMEC20: Sewage sludge reuse in agricultural
fertilization – a portuguese ongoing study
7) Nuno Ratola: ACE and young researchers – scholars at EMEC20 in Lodz
8) Polonca Trebse – small note: A gift to Josef

Have a look here

Posted on: Sep 2, 01:05 pm by: Jan Schwarzbauer.


EMEC21 postponed to Dec 2021

Facing the Corona-pandemic many conferences and events have been postponed or cancelled. Also ACE has discussed how to organize the forthcoming EMEC meeting planned for December 2020 under the current conditions. Finally, the organizing committee and the ACE board decided jointly to postpone the 21st European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry (EMEC21) by one year. Noteworthy, also the EMEC scholarships have been shifted to 2021.

We hope to meet you all again in December 2021 in Novi Sad !

Posted on: Jul 6, 11:16 am by: Jan Schwarzbauer.



Invitation to ACE General Assembly 2019

we are delighted to invite all members to the General Assembly 2019 of the Association of Chemistry and the Environment (a.s.b.l.). It will be held during the 20th European Meeting of Environmental Chemistry (EMEC20) in Lodz, Poland, on Thursday (5th December) at 10.000h at:

TUL Sports and Education Center ‘Sports Bay’
Aleja Politechniki 10
93-590 Łódź

The day order will be:

1. Welcome/Introduction
2. Report on the work of the Board
3. Report on the finances 2019
4. Elections of the Board members
5. Planned activities in 2020
6. Miscellaneous

Posted on: Nov 29, 11:32 am by: Jan Schwarzbauer.



Invitation to the General Assembly 2018

we are delighted to invite all members to the General Assembly 2018 of the Association of Chemistry and the Environment (a.s.b.l.). It will be held during the 19th European Meeting of Environmental Chemistry (EMEC19) in Royat, France, on Thursday (6th December) at 13.30h at:

Casino de Royat
Allée du Pariou
63130 ROYAT

The day order will be:

1. Welcome/Introduction
2. Report on the work of the Board
3. Report on the finances 2018
4. Budget for 2019
5. Planned activities in 2019
6. Miscellaneous

Posted on: Nov 22, 11:44 am by: Jan Schwarzbauer.



EMEC 19 is approaching

Reminder: Deadline for abstract submission 17 September 2018

2 Awards for oral communications (500€ for each award) and 6 awards for poster communications(250€ for each award), for Young researchers (PhD and post-docs)

Dear Colleagues,

I am pleased to invite you to participate to

The 19th European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry (EMEC 19)
that will be held at Royat, near Clermont-Ferrand (France), from 3rd to 6th December 2018

Link to website EMEC19

The conference is organized by the Institute of Chemistry of Clermont-Ferrand (ICCF) from the Clermont Auvergne University / CNRS / Sigma-Clermont, on behalf of the Association of Chemistry and the Environment (ACE).


EMEC meetings bring together scientists working in the field of environmental chemistry, to report their most advanced research progresses and to pave the way for the future research and challenges. This conference covers a broad range of topics within the field of environmental chemistry:

 Sustainable chemistry (new compounds, green processes)

 Environmental compartments (Atmosphere, Soils, Marine and surface waters) with focuses on monitoring, processes (biological and chemical), remediation and ecotoxicology

 Methodology and modeling

Interdisciplinary presentations are very welcome.

We look forward to seeing you in Royat!

Best Regards,
Anne-Marie DELORT, Chair of the EMEC 19 conference

Posted on: Sep 14, 10:33 am by: Jan Schwarzbauer.



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